
RE: "Leilia's Favorite Chair"

RE: "Passing Down the Love"

"At the end of your brush is the top of your soul". (author unknown) Thank you for sharing this meaningful work. jswade     "It's the love for me. Reminds me of my grand daddy". dhackworth     "Such a beautiful and emotion-filled rendering of time honored tradition. Your painting speaks voulmes about our survival as a people." trogers        "This really resonates with me. The love is obvious. The respect for our elders has always been true in our family as well as other families that we knew and grew up with." manderson

RE: "A Moment of Peace"  

"...You are an artist who bring our ancestors back into reality" V Hughes   "I feel the serenity and love from this great painting." S Jordan   "God is painting through you." W Nesbitt    "This brought back great memories of my childhood". P Ducote   "...those precious times slowed us down for the important stuff!" B Ramos     "What a beautiful tribute to the peace grandmothers bring to so many". K Prudhomme   "The details are incredible, almost like a photograph". V Warner   "I can't express in words what your amazing painting series of 'Senior Love' means to Black people." E Adams   "The vividness of her imagery in your painting is compelling". M Clarke   "This is a precious memory for me...brought tears that rolled down my cheeks". V Rivers

RE: "Unbreakable"

"I''m really touched by this work. I found myself looking at this piece for an extended period of time. It was then that I realized I was looking at all "The Authentic Heroes" in my life. This one is special to me. Your art is outstanding Janice." FS III

"Such a moving portrait and then you added to its power with those forceful geometric lines!.." CD

"I love this so much!!!" EK

RE: "Homegrown"

"I love this work of art for its beauty but also for the complexity it conveys re-walking in the footsteps of the ancestors while living and thriving in a modern world." TVR

"Love, love, love this." EB

"A classic and modern-day farmer as a muse. Wow." DB

"I love everything about this. EXCELLENT!!!" KS

RE: "Full Bloom"

"The painting to me shows so much love for each other. Nothing else matters but each other..." P. Davis

"Having their flowers bloom while they can still appreciate their love for each other is a blessing and a beautiful gift." F. Thomas

"This one touched my innermost soul." A. Pope

"Absolutely stunning! We absolutely love it! This is truly us! Thank you for choosing us to be a part of your collection. We are truly Honored!"  D. Hackworth